Dienstag, 15. Mai 2007

Main Themes, Keywords, Related Sites

A How-To To Understand Everything

How it all began
- did it begin?
How life began
- self-catalizing RNA
How the mind works
- what can we know, and how do we do it
- omnipresent paradoxes
- how do we cope with knowing nothing, how shall i live
How systems of minds work
- game theory, institutions
- complex systems of spontaneous order
- economic growth and evolution
Where is it all going

emergence (emergence phenomena), complex systems, plasticity, paradoxes (relativity, intersubjectivism), epistemology, theory (interpretation, reductionism)


Epistemological principles: evolutionarism, specific comparative advantage, functionalism, (agnostic) determinism, dynamic equilibrium, realist-constructivist cycle of reality (re-) production (=assumptions?)

Ontological principles: mutual constitution
Main actors: subatomic particles/energy, atoms, molecules, organic molecules, organelles, cells, muticellular organisms, animals, humans, ... ((complex?) systems? object-subject, agent-structure, two-bodies/jin-yang)

Dynamic dimensions of evolution: 'history', time, entropy, complexity, plasticity, level of 'development', predictability/knowability, emergent properties of complex systems

'Laws' (a priori axioms/tautologies): What is capable of surviving in a specific environment, survives. "Water follows the path of least resistance." Basic laws ('spontaneity') 'given'.

Main 'inventions': replication, movement, 'learning', self-reflection, (script, digitalization)

Scientific disciplines concerned with actors: (astro-)physics, chemistry, biochemistry, cell-biology, biology, neuroscience, anthropology, sociology, economics, philosophy

Complexity Blog
Santa Fe Institute
Edge Magazine

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